Wednesday, February 28, 2007

From Luang Nam Tha, Laos to Chiang Mai, Thailand

I am in Chiang Mai Thailand. It took two days to get here from Luang Nam Tha. From Luang Nam Tha to Huay Xai on the Thai border, the bus broke down 4 times. It kept getting flats because the road was mostly dirt and the bus was overloaded as are most public conveyances.

The Lao are not proactive about maintenance. Apparently they wait for failure to occur and are well prepared to make fixes in the field.

The road is have paved and is scraped through the mountains.

We were rescued on one occasion by a pick-up truck carrying 16 people and their luggage on the same 200 KM trip. This truck is nearly identical to my Toyota Tacoma.

This morning I said goodbye to Fredo and Nancy from Quebec. I travelled with them for a week. Great folks.

So far, Thailand is very modern and as sophisticated as the west. The cities are clean except for the air which is polluted by the ubiquitous diesel engines and dust. But my place tonight is still$6/night and includes a pool.

The Thai love their king as proclaimed in many large posters on the highway. Coincidentally it is illegal to say bad things about the king or to step on money (which has the Kings face on it). I like the king too.

Tomorrow, I'll see Chiang Mai and figure out how I am going to get to Cambodia.

1 comment:

Frédo said...

Walter rules!

You need to tell us where you found a pool and a good room for 6$ since we will go to Chang Mai as well.

We are happy to see you in your blog;we even count a hit from your website (yes, we have a geek counter on our blog :).

It was very cool to travel with you, so easy and fun!


Nancy and Fredo